Monday, 4 June 2012

Clear off some Items ...

In view of going to expand my beer collection display in my place, need to clear some of my old beer collection stuffs, at the mean time to fund up my CAPEX for new collectibles. Here are some of the items which need to go out, call me (016-2865889) if you are interest...
This Vintage ANGLIA shandy - RM 18.00 New (Qty available on-hand =2)
Vintage Carlsberg Tray (Rare) - RM10.00 Used and a bit rusty (Qty available on-hand =1)

That's all for today, will update again after I finalized my list.

**Just try out for selling my Guiness Stout Mini 2003 version, will see is it successful after 24 hours.

Cheers !